We got there and of course now they were busy. We sat in the RV for awhile and then Ted had them do an alignment to make sure that as okay. At 5:00 they told us to go to the campground and come back at 7:00 a.m. We did that and they finally took us in around 10:30. He worked on it until 5:00, still had not found which of a bundle of wires was the problem and back to the campground we went.
Finally on Wednesday he found the shorted wire, fixed it and off we went about 11:00. Everything worked well and we breathed a sigh of relief!
Here's how Sophie spent her time at Freightliner. She was really a good girl:
On Friday we had lunch at Boulder Station and tried our hand at gambling. Machines are tied down pretty tight but we had a good lunch. On Saturday we met one of his former co-workers, Howard who also lives in Vegas, for lunch at the Red Rock Station. Again leaving a deposit but having a good visit with Howard. On Sunday David and Debbie invited us out to lunch. We had a fun, long lunch and then headed back to the campground.
Today we ran errands and our friends Jeri and Stach are on the way over from San Diego to spend Thanksgiving with us. They are probably arriving at the hotel as I type this!
We had lots of rain Thursday, Friday and some on Saturday. It's been in the low 40's at night and today was the first day it made it into the 70's. Much more normal Las Vegas weather. There is even a little snow on the surrounding mountains!
Chilly nights in the Motorhome!
Sophie and Mom kicked back on the drive to Vegas:
Friends and Vegas..."Ain't Life Grand!"
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