Monday, May 9, 2011

Truck is back!

We took off for Petaluma Thursday morning in our VW Bug.  It was a long 441 miles from our campsite to Bob's house.  Fortunately we got there in time for happy hour!  That night we enjoyed the company of Bob (our host) and his girl friend, Kathy and our friends Jim and Della and had a nice quiet dinner.  

The groups for the weekend parties were some Sweetwater High grads and some friends of Bob's.  It was fun meeting new people.

Friday morning Ted and I took off for breakfast and then Della and I took off to do some shopping.  We went to a thrift store and found a bunch of serving pieces for the two parties for $1.99 to $3.99!  Great fun.  Della had made her famous spaghetti and meatballs for Friday night and there were 10 for dinner.  Lots of talking, giggling and a little bit of wine!  Met some very nice people.  Didn't think about the truck at all!

Saturday was a barbeque.  There were 20 for dinner and we had a great spread.  Everyone brought great things to eat and everything was yummy!  Duane did the cooking of the corn and the hamburgers and everything was delicious!  After dinner we surprised Della with a birthday cake and some gifts.  Her birthday is in a couple weeks and who doesn't love a reason to celebrate (and have cake)!

Bob flies helicopters for the movie industry and has some work coming up.  Della was near the phone and answered a call for Bob from Ben Stiller!  She said "he just seems like a regular guy!"  It was funny.

Bob and Duane had recently been to Viet Nam (they had both been there when in the military).  They showed some film from their trip.  They are working on a movie project regarding Agent Orange and what it does (and is doing) to the children.  There are still children been born with problems from it every day.  Some of the pictures were very sad but there was also some very touching moments.  It will be interesting to see what they come up with.

Our dog Max was out of his mind the whole weekend.  He was let loose and he and Ginger (Bob's lab) got a long fine as long as no one tried to give them both attention at the same time.  Max had the run of the house so thought he was the "king"!  He was exhausted and slept most of the time in the back seat of the VW bug all the way home and then all evening when we got home!

I called Ford this morning and they finished the truck this afternoon.  Luckily Ford stepped up and covered $1400 and our balance was $4200.  Still sucked but helped!  They replaced heads, injector, fuel filters, oil and generally everything to do with the engine!

Having a fun weekend with friends..."Ain't Life Grand"!

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