Friday, May 7, 2010

Another day in the Grand Canyon!

This morning we headed back to the canyon and to the El Tovar Hotel for breakfast.  After a great breakfast, we took a walk to the shuttle (we definitely needed a walk) that takes you out to Hermit's Rest.  On the way we saw a few squirrels. They are so used to people that even when you pass them while they are eating dropped ice cream off the sidewalk, they don't even run from you!   We also visited the Kolb and Lookout Studios before getting on the shuttle.

We got on the shuttle bus and headed eight miles to Hermit's Rest.  We had not made it there the last time because the buses were too full!  There is a gift shop and snack bar there and a beautiful view of the canyon and the river.  On the bus the driver mentioned that the dead trees you see are caused by lightning.  He said that last July and August there were 81,000 strikes of lightning!  I don't know whose counting them, but I don't want their job!  LOL

After viewing Hermit's Rest, we headed back to the El Tovar porch for one last look at the Canyon. It was a bit chilly so I had the warm rum flavored cider, yum!

Tomorrow we leave for Las Vegas!

Once again enjoying the Canyon..."Ain't Life Grand!"

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