Friday, June 26, 2009

And the trip goes on...

Today we met friends Jeri and Stach (from San Diego) at Downtown Disney! We gabbed, had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, gabbed some more, did some shopping, gabbed some more and then went to the movies to see "UP" in 3D and gabbed some more! It was a cute movie and a fun time was had by all!
Ted, Susan, Jeri & Stach!

This morning the guys took off for Knott's Berry Farm. As of this posting they are still out having fun!
Yesterday we sadly left the beach and headed inland. We are staying in a campground at the L.A. County Fairgrounds in Pomona. We decided to rent a car for the guys because we were going to meet some friends while fairly close to home. After checking the cars on the internet for which car would hold 6, I called and made a reservation. When Ted and Craig went to pick up the car, it would only hold 5! So they had to go to another place and of course pay more money and get a pick up truck! They have wheels so they are happy!

The guys took off to go shopping (yes ladies, guys that wanted to go shopping)! Had dinner at Medieval Times where you pay a lot of money for food that you eat with your hands while watching knights on horses swordfight! It's actually very impressive.

Ted and I met up with a former co-worker of mine (Donna) and her husband (Virgil) that I worked with in the 70's! They live in Fullerton so we went by and visited and went out to dinner, a very enjoyable evening. When we get together, it's like no time has passed since we saw them last!

Ted, Donna & Virgil!

Donna, Virgil & Susan!

One last note for this posting, our darn truck is really getting bad again. Tomorrow we are leaving here to head back north. Looks like we are going to have some down time with the truck in the shop again...wish us luck!

Great friends, good food & Disneyland..."Ain't life grand"!

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